The Bezier Game
The Bezier game, which was introduced during the introductory class of Digital Photography and Imaging(Week 1) is a useful practice for every beginner in Photoshop and Illustrator. The Pen tool is one of the hardest tools to master, but learning how to use it would definitely be an asset on making my work efficient and precise.
The game starts off with a basic tutorial. A circle, an L shaped line, and a heart. I found myself struggling at the basic tutorials, so I wondered that if I could not do something so simple, I couldn't imagine how hard the others would be after the tutorial. After the tutorial, it went on to a intermediate then progressing to difficult which I must admit, took me a good hour or two to figure out. With my temper rising alongside with the temperature of my laptop, I finally figured it out. I definitely went over the recommended node usage for some of them but I was glad about the progression I've made and that's what matters
My 1st attempt(without tutorial)
Fig 1. A car I attempted to trace
Summary - I used 16/15 nodes and went 7 nodes over the ideal solution. I took a very long time to finish this one.
The 6th stage(without tutorial)
Fig 1.1 A face outline I traced
Summary - I used 13/16 nodes which is a significant improvement and I was able to replicate the facial features effectively. It took a shorter time and I was getting the hang of it.
Final outcome
Fig 1.2 Completion of the Bezier Game
Summary - After completing the total of 9 unassisted stages, I had 17 nodes to spare. At the end of the game, I felt more confident in my abilities with the pen tool, however, much more practice is needed.
NAME: Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit
I.D: 0352238
COURSE: Bachelors of Creative Media
1. Bezier Game
Reflection - The first few shapes were simple but as you go through them, it becomes more challenging. With more practice, I would hopefully get the hang of it.
2. Create your E-Portfolio blog.
E-Portfolio Link:
3. Register Pinterest:
Pinterest Link:
4. List down your 3 favourite graphic design work from Pinterest.
Explain why you like the designs?
Design #1:
Aspects of my culture which connects me to the message further capturing the interest of the viewer. Symbolism behind what we see in this design, like the background filled with yellow which represents wealth, alongside with the “yuanbao” which is a boat shaped currency back in the olden chinese era which represents prosperity till today as we see it during our yearly chinese new year celebrations. The amount of details like the iridescence of the main character(yuanbao) but at the same time with such minimalism of the design as a whole was what captured my attention. |
Design #2:
The image above is what seems to be a psychedelic concert poster. The poster was made in the late 1960s where such typeface design was very prominent as it was the age of peace and the rise of the use of hallucinatory drugs like LSD etc. What I enjoy about this design is the use of bold colours like the hot red and solid blue, which was used consistently throughout the wordings and descriptions therefore can be easily read by those who come across it. The name of the concert “UFO” gives much space for interpretation. During that time, bizarre beliefs like the existence of aliens among us or outer space was on the rise during the time the poster was created therefore connects to how trending ideas of the moment contributes significantly to its attraction.
Design #3:
The image perfectly induces a sensation of panic within those who look at the design. The incredible detailing of the way the texture looks like blown up balloons being compiled together in an excruciatingly tight space, on the verge of possibly popping creates a sense of suspense and fear. This indicates that the designer knew well on how to correlate the typeface with a design which further produces a message, whether physically or internally.
Week 5 tasks:
Research on "mental heath affected by COVID19":
1. How are you, as an individual affected by COVID19? Physically and mentally? Are they related?
Yes they are related. Physical wise, I feel sluggish most of the time and I feel unfit. Mentally, I feel that I've become stronger but at the same time weaker as I am left isolated with my worrying thoughts which gradually spirals out of control
2. Research online:"young adult/student's mental heath affected by COVID19", save/bookmark the articles that you are interested. Make a summary of each articles.
First article -,also%20expected%20to%20rise.
Mental Health & Covid-19
As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across the world, it is inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions.
In public mental health terms, the main psychological impact to date is elevated rates of stress or anxiety. But as new measures and impacts are introduced – especially quarantine and its effects on many people’s usual activities, routines or livelihoods – levels of loneliness, depression, harmful alcohol and drug use, and self-harm or suicidal behaviour are also expected to rise.
In populations already heavily affected, such as Lombardy in Italy, issues of service access and continuity for people with developing or existing mental health conditions are also now a major concern, along with the mental health and well-being of frontline workers.
As part of its public health response, WHO has worked with partners to develop a set of new materials on the mental health and psychosocial support aspects of COVID-19.
Second Article-
COVID-19 impact on young people’s mental health in spotlight
Feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and grief are being widely felt by young people across the world due to the impacts of COVID-19.
As governments have had to respond to the virus by enforcing measures such as physical distancing, quarantines and the closure of schools, the lives of young people have been greatly impacted.
“Many of us have worries, are feeling anxious and lonely. I worried about the safety of my family and friends and about the future,” said Xiukun Wang, a student from Wuhan, China in an online webinar focusing on young people’s mental health organised by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake.
3. View posters on Pinterest, limited to posters designed with IMAGES/PHOTOS and texts, bypass posters designed with GRAPHIC and texts. PIN the posters that you like, ask yourself what do you like about the selected posters? The composition? The colour? The way the message been delivered?
I was always intrigued by the style of the 2000s era where fashion was such a statement, especially the neon colours and typographic styles used. It gives out the impression that rather conforming to the norms of the conservative culture of Japan(reflected in the pagoda and use of Japanese words), you can be daring and express yourself with whatever clothes you wear but still maintaining that culture.
4. View posters on Pinterest, limited to PSA posters only. PIN the posters that you like, ask yourself what do you like about the selected posters? The composition? The colour? The way the message been delivered?
Depicts a naked human body which immediately is a strong visual. Relates to the quote written on the body about how oppression creates war. This may connect to how women are still oppressed till today(in relation to the body) and how we don't have full control of it(relevance to abortion rights, unequal payment etc). This can e generalised to a range of oppression like segregating a certain race.
5. Post your finding on Blog under Project 2.
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