Design Principles
Week 13(16/11/2021) - Week 14(26/11/2021)
Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit 0352238
Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit 0352238
Module : Design Principles
Task : Final Compilation
Exercise 1 : Elements & Principles of Design, Gestalt Theory and Contrast
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Exercise 3 : Harmony & Unity
Fig 3. Harmony(Final Design)
Fig 3.1 Harmony(Close-up)
Fig 3.2 Unity
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Exercise 4 : Self-Portrait
Fig 4. Self-Portrait
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Exercise 5 : Sense of Place
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Final Project : Visual Analysis
Fig 6. Visual Analysis(Final Design)
Facial close-up of Final Design
Kimono fabric close-up of Final Design
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Final Reflection
What have I learnt in this module?
I wouldn't say that I gained much as I've went through IGCSE and A-Level Art and Design which is quite component based. However, I do feel that this experience has refined my art and strengthened my discipline. I learnt how to take criticism in a more positive light, whereby that would push me to reach the potential that I want and eventually where I want to be. Furthermore, I was able to learn from not only Dr. Jinchi, but also my peers. The variety of styles and interpretations of their own work has taught me how to view things in an open and fruitful manner.
What did I enjoy the most?
I would say that this is my favourite module as it gave me the flexibility and independence to decide on my own what medium and direction I could use/ head to whilst being provided with sufficient guidelines unlike the rest of the modules which are often restrictive to ones artistic endeavours.
Moreover, Dr. Jinchi has genuinely made the module enjoyable due to the similarities I find between her and I and the common interests we share, something I feel is hard to find with lecturers.
What did I not enjoy the most?
I did not enjoy compiling the blogs as it was time consuming, aside from the actual exercise itself(though I don't mind doing it at all). However, it is a necessity as it needs to be assessed and to make my understanding & progression evident. I also enjoyed the last exercise the least amongst the rest(Visual Analysis) as the feedback wasn't as positive and I felt that I did not do as well as I thought I would do. Overall, just was a disappointing end but regardless I'm happy I went through that as it enabled me to become better.
What have I learnt about myself through this module?
I learnt how to express myself in a more effective and meaningful manner through my art which I feel is very important. Before enrolling myself into this programme, I was torn between the option of choosing fine arts or creative media. I eventually chose creative media which I came in knowing nothing about digital art whatsoever rather than what I am comfortable with which is fine arts as I felt that I would like to expand my capabilities. I feel that though I have struggled, my decision was right and I have no regrets as I have improved significantly in a short span for time. My views have become more open and my skillset has expanded.
Through this module, I was able to push myself to explore the digital aspect of art whilst further refining my traditional art skills. I used to think that I would eventually run out of ideas and become stagnant but now I see that I have a newfound love and motivation to create art and better myself. If anything, my passion for art has only become stronger. In general, this module has made me understand myself more as well.
What has changed and what has not in my learning journey?
This journey has made me manage my time more effectively in order to complete the assigned works.
What has not changed is how set I would be on my own ideas. If I set my mind on it, its practically impossible for me to budge on it which can be my downfall sometimes.
What could be improved in this module?
I personally feel that nothing needs to be changed about the module's contents. However, for lecture hours where if my work is already reviewed(usually within the first 30 mins then spend 3 hours and 30 mins of others getting reviewed), would be good to let us off to reflect on the given review and make the necessary changes during those hours.
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