Digital Photography & Imaging || Project 1(PHYSICAL & DIGITAL COLLAGE)



A graphic design poster series by Cindykate (Syndicate). “Tsk” explores Chinese typography design and illustration by turning daily annoyance things into trippy art. It's a one of a kind bizarre, chrome, dark, trippy, acid, surreal, retro-future, typographic, typo inspiration.

Tsk 006: 很高興認濕你
When you shake a wet hand.


NAME: Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit

I.D: 0352238

COURSE: Bachelors of Creative Media


1. Choose and identify your collage's design elements to be cut out and compose it into your own concept & story.

2. Pre compositing your collage's design elements into a composition.


3. Take 3 photo of your collage pre-composition  and insert it on the section below

4. Submit (Turn In) this W2_TUTORIAL

Refer to this video tutorial:


Step 1: Cut out design elements

  1. Explore and search for any interesting graphics from old magazine or any printed materials.

  1. Cut the shapes of pictures that you are choosing.

  1. Repeat the steps to collect your cut out design elements.

Step 2: Pre-compositing 

1. Find an interesting background canvas

2. Start compositing the cut out design elements

3. Play around with the composition and layer arrangement.

Step 3: Final composition 

1. Once you’re satisfied with your pre-compositing, start glueing the cut out based on the layer by layer arrangements.

2. Document your work in progress on each step and upload it to your E-Portfolio blogs for the weekly contents update. 

3. Take photo of your collage and insert on the submission section below:


Fig 1. 1st Pre-Composition of physical collage

Prior to class, I printed out some images from Google which I wanted to be part of my physical collage. My idea was to have an image inspired by the 70s where drugs and magic mushrooms were prevalent at that time which is why I chose a character from pulp fiction, Mia Wallace, having an overdose from cocaine thus the bloodied nose. I also included cut outs of mushrooms to further contribute to the idea of the ingestion of psychedelics which when in taken in abnormal amounts, may cause hallucinations and life risking side effects. The mushrooms floating around her emphasises on the hallucinatory effect. I also included cut outs of words "high like fungi" which I thought was a catchy and rhymey phrase, with the font of famous rock band posters.


Fig 1.1 2nd Pre-Composition

I then explored the idea further by using a more vibrant background which resembles the psychedelic era of the 70s that I'm trying to achieve. I positioned the mushrooms and words in similar yet different manners, this time the eyes being more noticeable which gives the impression of the character being drug induced. Though it looks more vibrant, I feel that the vibrancy was too much which then took away the noticeability of the mushrooms flying around.


Fig 1.2 3rd Pre-Composition

I then decided to do something different for my third exploration. I took an image of an illustration from the 50s of a happy family taking a road trip. I then wanted to use a background which depicts an aggressive burning image of flames. The message of this composition relates to today and is a literal message depicting that the world is in fact burning and the happy family smiling manically is a depiction of the mental state of others, which is ignoring what's happening(the damaging world issues) thus why they are driving away and not looking back at the disaster taking place.

After feedback from Mr. Martin, I tweaked it a little, as shown from image below.

Fig 1.3 Final Piece on Physical collage

I've cut out certain flows of the psychedelic/ rainbow background whilst maintaining some visibility of the background to create a more interesting contrast of the background and to ensure it is not overwhelming as Fig 1.1. I decided to remove the mushrooms as the message "high like fungi" makes it obvious and the visibility of the mushroom would not be clear and would become messy looking. I also made the wording cleaner(cutting according to the font shape) to make it clear.


NAME: Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit

I.D: 0352238

COURSE: Bachelors of Creative Media


Refer to this video tutorial:



  1. Based on the video tutorial, create one digital collage using the materials provided.
  2. Follow and complete the weekly progress.

  3. Attach your final digital collage below.


Fig 2. 1st Digital Collage(FINAL DESIGN)

The lecture started off with Mr. Martin demonstrating an example of the various tools available in order to create an aesthetic composition through collaging using the provided images which he has provided(and therefore instructed to download and utilise for our digital collages). This piece was made using Adobe Photoshop. I feel that this is my favourite design amongst the 3 as it is the most visually appealing and has the right balance.


Fig 2.1 2nd Digital Collage

This is my 2nd favourite design as I feel that I have effectively utilised much aspects of it like the keys of the typewriter resembling stair which I then used a much humans available in the images provided to make it seem like its a normal thing. The large fish in the top middle overlooking what's happening creates a sense of interest within viewers and the black and white background creates contrast.


Fig 2.2 3rd Digital Collage

I feel that this one is the least appealing to me as the images are scattered making it look individual rather than one harmonious piece. This design was my first attempt therefore it is natural that I would not be happy with it. However, one thing I like about it is that theres am ample of colour making it look appealing.


Physical collage - Mr. Martin stated that Fig 1 & 1.1 of my physical collage were either too simple or too overwhelming therefore after some adjustments, I came up with Fig 1.3 as my final design.

Digital collage - He reviewed my digital collage design and thought that Fig 2 & 2.1 were good but 2.2 was too generic. Therefore I went for Fig 2 as my final digital collage design. When I said Fig 2 was what I preferred, the class agreed.


I feel that I have improved on how to use photoshop due to Mr. Martins guidance and that I am able to develop my visual skills on how to create a well put collage whether physical or digital.
