Typography || Task 3B

Typography Task 3B Exercise

Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit 0352238
Module : Typography
Task 3B : Type Design & Communication


Week 10(27/10/2021)
-Briefing on Task 3B
-We are given multiple greeting options to choose from. 


Specific things to note
- use one of 10 typefaces provided

- takes Technical and aesthetic expertise. Includes all of what we’ve learned

- typographically social message or greeting that is relevant to the taylors community/ society as a large

- save as PNG, PDF, upload to G-drive and embed into portfolio

- screen grab your phone with the sticker sent

- can use minimal colour

- will be used in selected platforms like telegram, WhatsApp

- must be attractive, functional and visually impactful sticker

- Use adobe illustrator and photoshop 

- must animate the message

- must be 512px X 512px, 72 dpi

- send sticker PNG to telegrams @stickerator bot if have issues

Aspects to be considered and steps to note before starting

- visual research of stickers

- research on static stickers

- greeting via typographic expression

- type out the greeting using the 10 typefaces


- determine colour, do not use the common swatches, use more interesting colour(coolors.co can also be used to create stickers)

- create a 3D effect or just make it interesting

-then animate

- do not go overboard on the colour usage(minimal)

- make border around sticker as guideline

What greeting have I chose?

I chose the "Happy Halloween" greeting as Halloween is nearing, thus why I feel its suitable to pick this in light of the upcoming celebration. Also, I had an idea for it at an instant, and felt drawn to do this as opposed to the rest.

Visual Research/ Inspiration

This contains an image of: {{ pinTitle }}

Fig 1. Inspiration taken from Pinterest

This is minimalistic yet effective

Fig 1.1 Another inspiration taken from Pinterest

I really liked how the letterforms were made to look like the branches of a dead tree, adding to the scary feeling. I also loved how the letter "O" was made to look like a pumpkin jack. The use of contrast through the pops of orange colour(the colour theme of halloween) in small but decisive areas is visually appealing and makes it pop.

In-depth research on elements which will be added before digitisation


Bats: Any Questions? | Bat anatomy, Cartoon bat, Bat

Fig 2. Anatomy of Bat

-Illustration of bat, spider, spiderweb will not be rich in detail and colour but will have the basic, cute cartoonish form. This is because viewers/ users will not be able to see the details as it is too small to even see or appreciate.
-Minimalistic resemblance 
-I will be replacing the "W" in Halloween with the illustrated bat which can also be seen as flying mid-air(creative thinking)

How Serious Is a Black Widow Spider Bite? Symptoms & Treatment
Fig 2.2 Image of Black Widow Spider

Spider (Black Widow)
Fig 2.3 Anatomy and colour of Black Widow Spider

Features of Spider
-4 pairs of legs in total, thin
-legs are relatively longer than body
-Abdomen has the largest proportion compared to prosoma(the upper side of the body segment
-has its infamous red hourglass shape on its abdomen
-has jaws with fangs which is used for protection and prey.

Billie Eilish to Join 'Nightmare Before Christmas' Shows in L.A. - Variety
Fig 2.4 Inspiration of spider web form

The ends of the spiderwebs silken thread resembles the shape of the expressive curvatures of Tim Burtons style in "The Night Before Christmas", one of my favourite childhood animations. I feel that the shape add to its eerie aura, which complements the main greeting I chose, which is "Happy Halloween"

Fig 3. The possible font options that I liked out of the 10 given fonts. I ended up sticking with Bodoni font.

Attempt 1

Digitisation Specifics
Dimensions - 512 X 512px
Font - Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book
Font Size - 110pts (ensure it has space from artboard borders)

Fig 4. Digitisation of Idea Draft 1

Just some exploring before making it a final idea. Words happy and Halloween were leaded to be closer to one another as the initial space between the two was too far apart which made it look awkward. Uncoloured, bat is not illustrated properly using open tool but instead using brush tool. I didn't like how formal the typeface looked and how it looks flat.

Fig 4.1 More exploration

This time I played around with the colour additions. I wanted the colour to stick to the theme of Halloween, which is orange, black etc. The two words are leaded closer to one another. Each letter was given different baseline shifts to make it look as though it is dancing/ moving. 

Fig 4.2 Final Digitisation

Fig 4.3 Use of pen tool to create stickers background shape then using curvature tool to smoothen rough looking parts.

How Orange, Black and Purple Became Halloween Colors | Three Brothers  Painting
Fig 4.4 I searched for "Halloween Colour Themes" on Google

Fig 4.5 Coloured version of design 1
Fig 4.6 Coloured version of design 2

Fig 4.7 Coloured version of design 3

Fig 4.8 Creating the sticker pack in Telegram

I had to send PNG files to the sticker bot(@Stickers) and to follow the guidance of the bot to add additional stickers into the pack. It was hard to find a name or add an interesting name to the pack as the bot would reject most of them, so I just named my pack "Jodiann". I finalised the pack with the /publish command and the sticker was available to be used.

The stickers sent in Telegram chat

After receiving feedback from Mr. Vinod about my initial design, he stated that I should utilise and make most of the space provided (detailed feedback below in "FEEDBACK" section). Hence why I will be re-doing the design but keeping certain elements of my initial draft.

Attempt 2

Digitisation Specifics
Dimensions - 512 X 512px
Font - Bodoni STD Bold Condensed.
Font Size - "Happy"(132.51pt), "Halloween"(107.11pt)
Vertical scale of body text - 175%
Outline - 7 pt white outline

Fig 5. Black and white version of design

Fig 5.1Coloured version of design 1

Fig 5.2 Coloured version of design 2

Fig 5.3 Coloured version of design 3

Conclusion of digitisation
Out of the 3 colours, I lean more towards coloured version of design 2 as it is a simple yet relevant colour palette. The other two colours are too overwhelming to the eyes and some visual elements like the spider webs and the spider becomes hard to see due to the distracting colours. Note that I did not randomly choose colours, I ensured that it sticks to the "halloween" theme, thus the use of orange, purple, black, green and white. Moreover, I made the spider webs thinner compared to the initial design as it may impair and blend in with the stems of the typefaces, making it hard to read. I also excluded the bat as if I were to vertically scale it, it would look too distorted and would no longer resemble a bat, I also excluded it because there would be too much visual elements.

I think this design is an improvement compared to the first attempt at it looks more full and complete due to maximum utilisation of space. The sticker does not have weird shapes protruding out awkwardly, but is instead smooth and aesthetically pleasing. The shape and form of the spider web is more realistic and has better movement/ flow as well as variety compared to attempt one, making the design look better as a whole.

After feedback(specified in week 12 feedback section), I had to make some minor changes to the current design. Here are the changes.

Fig 6. Amended B&W version(PNG)

Fig 6.1 Amended Coloured version 1(PNG)

Fig 6.2 Amended Coloured version 2(PNG)

Fig 6.3 Amended Coloured version 1(PNG)

Fig 6.4 Amended B&W version PDF

Fig 6.5 Amended coloured version 2 PDF

Changes made in amended versions
- duplicating typefaces happy halloween and making it a lighter colour in the back to give it a "3D" effect and overall enhances the look of the design.
- addition of Taylor's logo as per requested.

Making of telegram sticker pack

Fig 7. Sending PNG's and selecting name, and emojis associated to design & theme

Fig 7.1 Final visual outcome of sent stickers in chatbox

Link of sticker pack in telegram - https://t.me/addstickers/spookness

Animation process of design

I sprayed a spider with some hairspray to make sure that it was dead, but  it's legs only curled up then. Is it still alive? It isn't moving but I  can't tell
Fig 8. Research on basic animation example 1 from Google

Best Acrylic Nail Designs
Fig 8.1 Research on basic animation example 2(Slightly more complex) from Google

spider gifs Page 10 | WiffleGif
Fig 8.2 Research on spider movement from Google

Why the Male Black Widow Spider Is a Real Home Wrecker | KQED
Fig 8.3 Research on Black Widow spider leg movement from Google

Movement info from observation
-Joints of legs move at random, very quick and abrupt

Fig 9. Changing position of legs of spider in each frame.

Fig 9.1 Use of artboards in illustrator to create each individual frame of animation.

The method is the same as animation of type expression from previous task, which I then applied here. I then imported the artboards to photoshop.

Fig 9.2 Creation of frame animation in Photoshop

Fig 10. Animation attempt 1 on photoshop(PDF)

I felt that the loop of lamination attempt 1 wasn't smooth enough as when the spider went fully down, it popped back up. So to make it smoother, I recycled the frames to make it look like its reversing back up and moving back down. The total duration is 3 seconds long.

Fig 10.1 Animation attempt 2 on photoshop(PDF of Final Design)

Fig 10.1 Animation attempt 2 on photoshop(GIF of Final Design)

Animation specifics
- 22 frames in total
- start and end frame is 0.5 seconds, everything else in the middle is set to 0.1 seconds(perfect length of 3 seconds)

Incase you missed out on the sticker pack link above 


Week 11(3/11/2021)
- That I should maximise my use of space provided eg. making the typeface larger, choosing a condensed font style. Mr. Vinod also pointed out that I should reduce the visual elements as theres too much eg. the bat and the spider and that I should remove one. Lastly, I should add in more spider webs to again make use of the empty spaces.

Week 12(10/11/2021)
- The design is great and effective, but should add more dimension to it to make it pop out more. Mr. Vinod suggested duplicating the typeface and making the front part darker and the back lighter. He said that he liked the purple colour and that I should add the taylors logo in.

Out of the other tasks, I felt that this task was slightly easier and more fun to do. When I say slightly easier, I definitely still struggled with this task. I had troubles finding ways to utilise the space and thats where suggestions and feedback from Mr. Vinod came in handy as I was struck. I eventually adapted my design and made a design which catered to maximising the space given as well as was a great improvement from the initial design. It looks more complete and gives off a spooky vibe. It doesn't look as messy and disoriented as the first design. 

The animation was a rollercoaster as when I tried in After Effects, it just wouldn't cooperate, thus why I stuck to the original method which was taught before, using artboards then animating it in photoshop. I felt that it went smoother and the outcome was successful.

Something I realised about myself was that I tend to be very stubborn when it comes to the design idea, whereby I would tend to stick with it. But after learning that letting go and trying again with a clean slate is so much more gratifying and the outcome is way better than it was, almost unrecognisable which I am proud of myself for.
