Intercultural Design || Task 2 : Data Collection

Intercultural Design

31/1/2022  - 6/2/2022 
Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit 0352238
Information Design || Task 2 : Data Collection


We received instructions on how to proceed with Project 2 which is Data Collection. It was made aware the different types of data collection which we could use such as interviews, surveys etc. Collecting information could be done in two ways such as Primary or Secondary sourcing. 

Primary sourcing could be done through surveys where we would send in a form to the interviewee after he/she has agreed to do it. Also, we could go to the site itself to collect data/ images/ more in-depth history about the area of research. Secondary sourcing could be done through the internet where information are readily available, generally second hand observations/ findings.

Task Delegation by Group Leader
 * Qian Tong — Google Arts & Culture on the 3 weapons
    * etc.
* Yi Yun — Suppression/rebellion of drag
  * Video research
    * etc.
  * Netnography
* Jia Sheng & Tress — The history of homophobic persecution in the countries of the 3 weapons
* Athirah — The significance of each weapon to their country
* Interview for person who practices drag in one of the countries of the 3 weapons
  * Jodiann & Jia Sheng — Creating the questions
  * Tress — Finding & requesting for interview
* Jia Sheng — Going somewhere & taking actual pictures of keris or smtg

My task - Creating questions for Drag Survey


Researching different types of questions in questionnaires prior to creating questions

Researching the types is to ensure that I fully understand the pros and cons of each type of questioning technique. This would enable me to decipher the best type depending on the situation and direction of the questionnaire. I decided that a combination of open-ended questions and closed-ended questions is appropriate, due to individual differences and the in-depth of information which we would need. I also decided that a combination of Multiple choice questions, Probing questions of both short and long answers are needed.

Writing down possible interview questions which came to mind 

What I kept in mind when creating the questions and the form itself
- Add a short description below the header prior to answering the questions to give an overview of the purpose of conducting the survey, the ethical considerations such as anonymity, just overall a brief welcome and introduction.
- To ensure that it is as open ended as possible to ensure it does not restrict interviewee from elaborating in detail about their personal opinion/ views. This helps with crucial information about the person and the subject of research, this being about drag and how it relates to homosexuality still receiving the death penalty in certain countries.
- Include multiple choice questions which makes it less time consuming and agitating for interviewee(cause who likes answering a ton of questions which requires elaboration)
- Ensure that there is a "Personal Particulars" section to know more about the interviewee such as their country of birth, where they reside in and most importantly their pronoun and their preferred name. We have to include this as we have to be careful not to misgender the artist, and to ensure that it is known to them that they are respected as a person.
- Ensure that questions are safe for work eg. does not contain strong language, so that interviewee feels comfortable and does not cause psychological harm towards them after completing survey.
- To give them the option to not answer the question if they are not comfortable doing so.

Completed Drag Survey Form

Link to Google forms(Drag survey)

List of possible interviewees

Struggles and Solutions

First-hand observation/ primary sourcing was obtained from a museum where pictures of weapon artefacts related to our final piece were taken. We've also gathered an ample of second-hand observation/ secondary sourcing through detailed research which was gathered from the internet.

It was clear during the start of data collection that we would not be able to get first hand information/ data easily from individuals who participate in drag due to limited target population(Drag artists). It could also be due to this culture still being "underground" in places like this so they would want to keep a low profile to protect themselves which is understandable. Also, it would be hard to obtain an agreement from them to answer the survey due busy scheduling and insufficient amount of time to collect responses from drag people specifically before submission date.

Regardless of the possibility of not being able to obtain responses, we prepared the survey anyways and made the necessary contacting & arrangements with the Drag artists. Unfortunately, no one has responded/ have yet to respond.

Content Breakdown

Full Data Collection Slides

Summarised Data Collection Slides

Final Data Collection Recording (Based on Summarised version of slides)

Mr. Vinod then provided feedback. Detailed feedback is specified in "Feedback" section below. A few changes had to be made in the slide itself and he instructed to NOT REMOVE the original submitted slides but to add the amended final versions.

Amended Content Breakdown

Amended Full Data Collection Slides

Amended Summarised Data Collection Slides

Mr Vinod - "Demonstrates excellent observational and research skills, evident in an abundant collection of various materials, using appropriate tools. Documentation of collected materials is written clearly effective written communication skills, clearly reviewing the contents of the sources. I am happy to see the RQ-RO in the beginning, well done there. It would also be good to mention the conclusion how the data collected answer the RQ and fulfilled the RO and what will be the implications of the knowledge gained in your design output."

I am satisfied with the finalised data collection as I feel we have gathered am ample of detailed research which supports our direction. This group project enabled me to look deeper into the topics controversial ideas from different scopes. 

Though the online interview was a flop, I have gained more knowledge on the steps needed to develop a proper survey. It was also a good effort, regardless of it most likely failing. In conclusion, I feel that this will certainly aid our final project in terms of understanding and execution. 
