Video & Sound Production || Exercises

Video & Sound Production

28/3/2022 -  
Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit 0352238
Video & Sound Production || Exercises


Video & Sound Production MIB


Week 1
Arranging Clips on Adobe Premiere Pro

On week 1, we had a brief introduction of the basics in using Adobe Premiere Pro. We were told to arrange the cut clips in a meaningful order to make the clips whole again.

Fig 1. "Mints" Clips

Fig 1.1 "Doritos" Clips

For the Mints video clips, it was arranged according to number sequence. So all we had to do was to compile it together and export it. As for the Doritos video clips, they are not in sequence so we have to find out the arrangement on our own.

Fig 1.2 Arrangement of clips from Mints commercial

Fig 1.3 Final Edited Video - "Mints"

Fig 1.4 Arrangement of clips from Doritos commercial 

Fig 1.5 Final Edited Video - "Doritos"

Fig 1.6 Arrangement of clips from Lalin 

Fig 1.7 Final Edited Video - "Lalin"

Week 2
Shooting Exercise

We learnt about framing with different size shots. We were tasked to shoot 8 different size shots. We were told to put captions on the bottom to indicate the type of shot.

Shots to include
- Low angle wide shot
- Frontal medium close-up shot
- Frontal medium shot
- Extreme close-up shot
- Side angle medium shot
- 3/4 medium close-up shot
- Close-up shot
- Eye-level medium wide shot

I used my phone to record this alongside with a tripod. The setting is in my apartment. I wanted to have some fun with this video shooting exercise thus why I went for an awkward & humorous vibe accompanied by elevator much in the background(royalty free song).

Fig 1.8 Week 2 Shooting Exercise Compilation

Fig 1.9 Final - Shooting Exercise 

Week 3 

We were briefed about the 3 act structure and shown short films, animations and was told to watch Munich. We were then told to specify the existing 3 act structure in each of them.

3 Act Structure

Act 1 - A rabbit is looking for an underground home to settle in, she avoids everyone she meets and anxiously digs deep underground.
Act 2 - Trouble struck and water starts rising from the ground, she doesn't know what to do and asks for help. Everyone works together and diverts the danger.
Act 3 - She still doesn't have a home and finally accepts help. She now has a home and has a dream home she wanted.

Act 1 - A man(Guang) oddly behaving. At this point, we perceive that he has some sort of disability but uncertain of what would happen. His brother is struggling to provide for the both of them and gave him the opportunity to attend a job interview.
Act 2 - Guang does not go to the interview and his brother is angered, spewing hurtful comments to Guang.
Act 3 - His brother finally understands why he has been stealing and missing out on these opportunities. He feels sorry as Guang plays a melody with the glass cups.

Act 1 - Lalin runs away from Sapporo to Japan to find herself and to feel self empowerment/acceptance
Act 2 - Lalin and Lun have multiple exchanges through text and finally plan to meet up. Lun awaits her but she hides herself in the bathroom, afraid of what he'll think of her appearance.
Act 3 - Lun leaves, and Lalin reads the story he made. But it was too late and she is filled with regret.

Shooting Exercise - Music Video

We were placed in groups of 3 and were assigned to create a music video with the song of our choice. The video only has to be 30 seconds long.

Shots to include 
- Wide shot - high angle
- 3 single full body shots(eye level) - 3 of us side by side
- Medium shot - eye level
- Medium close up shot - high angle
- Close up shot - eye level
- Extreme close up shot - eye level
- Wide shot- low angle

Fig 2. Compilation & editing of clips

Fig 2.1 Shooting Exercise - Final Music Video

The shooting exercise was rather a tedious process. However, I obtained knowledge in that process. I learnt how to properly pick a location suitable for the recording of the music video, developed teamwork skills, learnt how to do 3 shots in one frame and so on. 
