Interactive Design || Project 2 & Final Project : Landing Page & Microsite Design

Interactive Design || Project 2 & Final Project : Landing Page & Microsite Design

28/3/2022 -  
Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit 0352238
Interactive Design || Project 2 & Final Project : Landing Page & Microsite Design


Fig 1. Website pages/files

Fig 1.1 Coding in Adobe Dreamweaver

The images above shows a few of the code from my info page(HTML & CSS). I had to re-cap everything by watching the previous lectures. I also had to ask some friends for help as I did not know how to incorporate certain details in my website.

I generated the initial final website using Netlify as instructed. 

Link to initial final website -

Fig 2. Initial Final Project 2

After consulting with Mr. Shamshul in week 12, what I did was not a landing page and he explained that I should place everything in one singular page. I re-did the design for both the landing page and website as I was not satisfied with how the initial final turned out shown in Fig 2. 

Final Landing Page Design(Project 2)

Final Landing Page

Link to final landing page(Project 2) - 

Final Website Design(Final Project)

Final Website

Link to final website(Final Project) - 
